With the changing global situation with regards to Coronavirus, we wanted to give an update to our customers with regards to how Baa Baa Brighouse is responding to the situation.

First of all, we hope you are all staying safe, looking out for yourselves and each other, adhering to the advice that has been offered and using your common sense by not taking any unnecessary risks.

The scale of this pandemic is inevitably going to impact upon us all in our personal and professional lives. With regards to Baa Baa Brighouse, the opening of our bricks and mortar shop will be delayed. With shops, cafes, restaurants and non-essential businesses closing in other countries to prevent the spread of this outbreak, it seems like the logical course for us to follow at this point in time.

However, as of Sunday March 15th, small independent businesses currently remain open in the UK and we would, of course, encourage you to continue to use their services if it safe for you to do so because many may face financial ruin without your ongoing support.

Similarly, we would encourage you to visit small independent online retailers like ourselves as we will continue to trade during this crisis.

Be assured that with regards to cleanliness and hygiene, we are abiding by all government guidance with frequent handwashing and sanitising of surfaces.

I, Elaine, have a compromised immune system because of an underlying health issue, and therefore, reducing any risk of transfer is of paramount importance.

We continue to offer delivery worldwide. Royal Mail has updated its Coronavirus advice with regards to deliveries of parcels and packages. The Royal Mail website states:

“In order to protect both our people and customers as much as possible, we will not be handing over our hand-held devices to customers to capture signatures. Postmen and women will instead log the name of the person accepting the item. This will apply to Special Delivery Guaranteed, Tracked 24/48 with Signature and Signed For services.

Additionally, for all customers (including those who are self-isolating) where we need to deliver any parcel that won’t fit through your letterbox, we will place your item at your door. Having knocked on your door, we will then step aside to a safe distance while you retrieve your item. This will ensure your item is delivered securely rather than being left outside.

If you are unable to come to the door at all we will issue a ‘Something for You’ card, advising of other ways you can arrange to get your item. For example, by getting a friend or family member to collect the parcel from our local Customer Service Point on your behalf. In this situation, and to keep your mail as secure as possible, they will need to bring along the SMS/email notification and a form of ID in the name of the person the item is addressed to.”

For the handling and delivery of international orders, we suggest checking your home country’s mail delivery advice.

In the meantime, look after yourselves and don’t forget, you can come to us for yarn but we’re always around on social media, if you’re self-isolating and just need someone to talk to.

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