Do you knit, crochet, love yarn or fibre arts and like to talk about it? Yes? Then we want to hear from you!

We’re opening up our blog to guest bloggers. We’d love you to join the Baa Baa Brighouse community and tell us what you’re passionate about – British wool, indie dyers, designer yarns, personal projects or knitting as therapy?

Whatever it is that you have to say, we’re sure our readers would love to hear it. We’d particularly welcome blogs from our suppliers, to tell us more about themselves and their beautiful Yorkshire yarns, as well as from knitters and crochet artists, who have used the yarns we stock in their own projects.

Our values are simple at Baa Baa Brighouse – British wool, vintage style, knitting as therapy – if you can relate to any or all of these and have a story to tell then email and let us know!

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