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World Wide Knit in Public Day takes place in June and Baa Baa Brighouse is planning to host an event.

The celebration began in 2005 as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy each other’s company. Knitting can be such a solitary act but this is a specific day to meet like-minded people, share projects, knowledge and talk about fibre arts together.

In the past, some people have used this event to highlight to the general public that knitting is not just for grannies, it is for everyone – a community activity.

In 2005 there were about 25 events hosted around the world, rising to over 750 by 2009.

The event takes place from the second Saturday to the third Sunday of June each year, making it a week long celebration of knitting and other fibre arts. This year’s dates are June 14 to June 22, 2014.

It is likely that the event will take place at Rastrick Library, Crowtrees Lane, Rastrick but details of venue, date and time will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

If you would like to get involved in celebrating World Wide Knit in Public Day with Baa Baa Brighouse then email


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