Yan Tan Tethera Yarn ClubAre you passionate about yarn? Do you love Yorkshire? Do you like nothing more than using beautiful British bred yarn in your work? Are you inspired by the natural world? Can you use a dye pot to transfer what you see into yarny goodness? If the answer is yes then Baa Baa Brighouse wants to hear from you!

We are currently seeking to expand the number of indie dyers we currently work with on our popular Yan Tan Tethera Yarn Club – our monthly subscription yarn club which promotes the very best that indie dyers of Yorkshire have to offer.

May2015YarnThis is how it works. We use a different dyer each month on a rota basis, provide you with a photograph of the Yorkshire landscape, nature or architecture and ask you to transform your chosen yarn using that as your inspiration.

We encourage all of our dyers to use British bred yarn and where possible, yarn that has been sourced or spun in Yorkshire but ultimately we leave that decision to you.

We take care of sign ups, we promote the club and we collect and post out the yarn to our lovely customers. If you’re interested in getting involved, find out more by visiting our Yan Tan Tethera Yarn Club page or Contact Us.

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