World Wide Knit In Public Day 2018 will be held on Saturday June 9th and Baa Baa Brighouse is excited to announce that it will be hosting an event for the fourth year running!

Last year there were 1125 Knit In Public events hosted in 54 different countries and yes again we’ll be taking part in the ever growing global movement – this time at LoveBread Bakery in Brighouse.

World Wide Knit In Public Day began in 2005 as a way of bringing communities together and celebrating a love of woolly crafting.

Our event, which will be held in the Community Room at the bakery at 7 Martin Street, Brighouse, is open to all ages and abilities and is completely free to attend.

If you’ve never knitted before but would like to learn, then this is a great starting point to get help and advice or if you’re a seasoned pro, join like-minded people and share your knowledge and skills.

Simply bring along some yarn and knitting needles or a crochet hook or your current work in progress and let the world know you’re a knitter!

The event will take place from 10am to 12 noon and refreshments will be available from the Saturday Morning Cafe Club, which is run entirely by enterprising youngsters from LoveBread.

The team of 15 volunteers, aged between 10 and 20, bake a range of sweet and savoury snacks, serve great tea and coffee and provide a friendly environment for local people and groups to meet. The cafe is pay-as-you-feel with every penny of the donations going to a charity chosen by the team.

Baa Baa Brighouse will be holding a raffle with a selection of woolly prizes up for grabs – all money raised will be donated to the volunteer’s chosen charity – Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice.

If you’d like to sign up to take part in the Baa Baa Brighouse Knit and Natter for World Wide Knit In Public Day 2018, keep an eye on the WWKIP website in the coming days to register.


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