Baa Baa Brighouse is proud to announce that with your help and support we raised a total of £189 for the WomenCentre through Countess Ablaze’s Tits Out Collective initiative. Thank you all so much for purchasing our version of ‘If I Want Exposure I’ll Get My Tits Out’.

And if you haven’t heard, the 287 creatives that took part in the Collective raised an astonishing £55,219.35 worldwide for charity!

The Tits Out Collective was formed as a result of negative experiences involving misogyny and then plagiarism. Instead of reacting angrily, Countess Ablaze decided to turn the episode into something immensely positive.

She offered indie dyers and makers worldwide the opportunity to collaborate with her on a charity project and the result is truly a testament to the power of the creative community when it works together towards a common goal.


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